Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Dutch Treat

Dutch politican and filmmaker Geert Wilders might be something of a hypocrite when it comes to his interest in protecting civil liberties. However, the Netherlands' decision to prosecute Wilders for discrimination and inciting racial hatred for his criticism of Islam is an appalling blow to freedom of speech and of conscience. Wilders' short film, Fitna, shines a harsh but revealing light on radical Islam's not-so-secret agenda to destroy the freedoms of the west and establish a world wide Islamic caliphate. The three-judge panel from Amsterdam's appeals court, which gave the green light for Wilders' prosecution, doesn't accuse the film of being inaccurate (it consists mostly of news footage and quotes from the Koran) but of being insulting.

Apparently in Holland, a country frequently hailed for its "tolerance," hurting someone's feelings is taking traditional notions of free speech too far.

There's no word yet on whether any charges are pending against the guy in Wilders' film who incites an angry crowd to kill all the Jews, Christians and Hindus.

Slightly off topic, I highly recommend Infidel, a fascinating book by former Dutch Parliamentarian Ayan Hirsi Ali.

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