Tuesday, January 20, 2009


The Washington Mall was transformed into the set of a Riefenstahlian propaganda vehicle today as the cult of personality hailed the coming of the Savior of Hope and the Wizard of Change. The media and the crowd joined together in praise of President Obama's vague yet grandiose promises to transform the economy, heal the sick and save our shores from the encroaching seas.

Meanwhile, the markets tanked, Hugo Chavez silenced some more dissidents and the Iranians burned Obama's picture in effigy.

Sometimes it seems that the more things Change, the more they stay the same.

In other news, the Pittsburgh Steelers have made a bold fashion statement by declaring that they will wear their white jerseys to the Superbowl.

1 comment:

  1. Economy sinking ... Liberal majority ... Iranians burning pictures of our president ... Steelers headed to the Super Bowl. It feels like 1979 all over again.
